
Practicing soccer today.

i also practice Fifa those are 2 of my dreams. To become a soccer player and play pro tounements of FIFA. my 1 friend said i would be able 2 but i dont know if i can. Well Laliga games soon.  REAL MADRID

la liga day 34

4 more days of Laliga games but today was surprising for me.  2-0 atletico bilbao and Valencia. i thought for sure that Valencia would win. For i was wrong. When i saw the score line i did not believe it. to me, Valencia was the better team but i guess not. Valencia is now in 10th place and Bilbao in 7th. Valencia probably Champions League  lost its place in  Champions League for next year. Another 2-0 Granada and Alaves. The game was kinda important to both. this win that Granada got was good for them so they can get closer to a spot in a  European tournament since they are now in 9th place. This would have been a good game for Alaves if they won so they could get away from being near relegating they are still safe in 16th place,but if they drop 2 down they will be in relegating zone. Another 2-0 today Villarreal and Real Betis. Real Betis made it easier for Villarreal With A red card from Nabil Feikeir. Now they are in 13th or 14th place and hope to do better next year. Villarreal ar


Hello, this is my new blog. i will be sharing drawings and results of big soccer games and all LaLiga games. A fact about me is that i am from Brazil, so when brazillian soccer comes back i will share results of games too.  About la Liga     Today there were 3 games  the first was Mallorca vs. Celta Vigo which was 5-1 for mallorca even tho mallorca might be relegating this season since they are in 18th place and celta vigo in 17th that means if mallorca get to 17th place and celta vigo goes to 18th mallorca will be safe. and it is tough for mallorca this season especialy because they were in 7th last year The second game of today was Sevilla and Leganes  which was another big win  of today. 3-0 to Sevilla  and they are good in 4th place this year for on the other hand leganes is in 19th and probaly relagating. And the last game of today was good for me because i am a Real Madrid fan. 2-2 Barcelona and Atletico Madrid this is good because now Real Madrid have a better chance of winning

here are some drawings
